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The Truth About Animal Products (Plant-Based Nutrition)

More and more people are choosing to avoid the use of animal products in their diet, and frankly, their lives. It may be due to a number of reasons, such as realizing that products we love are filled with unimaginable things, or that people we loved have suffered as a result of consuming such products.

For example, some mascara contains "Guano," which is a nice word for bat poop. Yes, bat POOP! EWW! (It has become less common, but I recommend checking out the ingredients in your mascara ladies to make sure it doesn't contain guano or any other animal parts.)

Another reason many have started to avoid the use of animal products may be because someone we know and love has heart disease, and we now see the overwhelming scientific proof that meat is the number one cause.

Perhaps it could be because we found out that animal agriculture is responsible for more damage to the environment than the entire transportation industry combined, and we were mind-blown!

It could possibly be due to seeing the disturbing undercover footage of brutality and torture occurring at slaughter houses. It turns out that the suffering and pain we see are truly beyond our comprehension, and overwhelming compassion is beginning to take center stage in our hearts.

No matter how it's happening, people are waking up and starting to learn the truth. If you ask someone who is actively trying to avoid animal products why they have made this decision, you will usually hear at least one of the 3 reasons:

1. For my Health

2. For Animals

3. For The environment

In the blogs to follow, I will be giving you—in detail—the secrets and facts we have not been told about when it comes to our health, and the health of generations to come. You will learn about what really happens on factory farms, and how huge a role these farms have played in destroying the planet. These crazy, and mind blowing facts will allow you to become aware, and to take control of your life through the simple choices we make daily.

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